
Sometimes all your team or organisation needs is a boost. Would your people like to practise their behavioural and conversation skills together with a training actor, for example? Or do they need an active and inspiring workshop that will help employees step out of their daily routine and re-energise them? Our trainers and training actors can help you with this and encourage your organisation – as we like to say at de Federatie – not to think differently, but to act differently...
is a sport'
What does being a professional athlete have in common with working in a profession that demands a lot from us mentally or physically? As we see it, both occupations challenge the body and the brain in extreme conditions. The difference? As an Olympic athlete, Jan Smeekens could immediately see the consequences of unhealthy choices on the scoreboard, while employees in the workplace may not face the consequences of work pressure or an unhealthy lifestyle until after years of work.
'How do I train my tolerance muscle?'
Do you long for less insecurity, more confidence and more peace of mind? Then this workshop is definitely not for you!
What you will learn in this workshop is how to cope with uncertainty and other discomforts, with flexibility and resilience. Daphne approaches change from the perspective that uncomfortable feelings are an integral part of life. If you want to make your own choices you will have to deal with everything that you simply need to accept as a fact. Willingness and courage are key, so you will be able to use your energy for sensible things and take control of things, step by step.
'Humour in the workplace '
Would you like to learn how to use humour to help the people in your team work better together? Or how to use humour to achieve a different mindset? Or to create a nicer working atmosphere with colleagues? Besides laughing a lot in this workshop, you will discover what types of humour there are, which ones you may already be using yourself and how to use that quality even more. Learn to see things from a different perspective and get (even) more pleasure from your work. For that, humour is indispensable.
'Get a grip on
your imposter'
People who suffer from imposter syndrome fear they will eventually be unmasked. They underestimate their own achievements and have thoughts like: “When will everyone discover that I can't actually do anything at all?” Those thoughts are often accompanied by feelings of anxiety, worry, doubt and negative self-talk.
'Team Boost'
A training course that will resharpen your team and give them an enjoyable boost!
In Team Boost, we will engage with them in appreciative enquiry!
Did you know that the kinds of questions you ask largely determine the answers you will find? What happens if you ask about the positive attributes of the team? You will get answers such as energy, pride and connection. But what if you ask about all the things that go wrong? In that case you will often reap a defensive, every-man-for-himself mentality. In other words, whatever you give attention to will grow.
'Close up on Connecting Leadership'
For organisations where groups are at risk of forming islands, we now have a training course for leaders who want to build bridges. The challenge for a manager: making sure your team actually does move together towards an end goal. Where striving together to achieve a viable vision is the end result. But how can a team deliver a collective end result if it is slowly falling apart? If people continue to think primarily from the perspective of their own set of tasks, getting annoyed at each other and being less apt to build on the results of each other’s work? What if they fail to meet their deadlines and increasingly lose their focus on what the final result should look like? How do you deal with that as a manager? By making use of insights from film-making, you can remain the director of the end result.
can be learned'
Improvising as a conscious choice is something you can learn to do.
Uncertain times, unforeseen circumstances, scenarios that no longer make sense, colleagues and customers who no longer respond as you would expect.
These days, improvisation skills are vital. If you are good at improvising, you are able to expand your comfort zone and respond to your environment more quickly and more flexibly. You notice that you have better communication skills, your work becomes more enjoyable and you feel more self-confident.
'(Un)ease of the new, hybrid normality '
We are all going back to work, back to the workplace, more and more. But just as in the early days of the Corona pandemic, the return to the workplace is creating new dilemmas, questions and opportunities. How do we get used to physically working together again? What does the ideal mix of pre-Corona and post-Corona look like? In other words, how do we translate the lessons learned during the pandemic into a new, “hybrid” normality?
The current period is about getting closer together again in an effective and pleasant way. Like Goudvisie, we are also fans of experiential learning and playful development. There’s no reason learning can’t be fun! We have developed an (inter)active programme in which you can work on the above questions.